

How can I request a taxi?
You can contact our call center by calling the number 02.6969, or you can avail yourself of one of the diverse services that we offer, which you can find on this website in the CLIENTS section.

How can I know the cost of a product?
You can use our new rate calculation service in the TARIFFS section

How can I request a convention or subscription with 02.6969?
You can contact our PR Office with the form in contact section.

How can I report poor service that I encountered?
You can contact our Discipline Office with the form in the CONTACT section.

How can I send a suggestion to improve the service?
All the offices can be contacted with the form in CONTACT section.

How can I book a taxi for a specific date or time?
You can contact our call center by calling: 02.6969, or you can use one of the other taxi booking services that you can find on this site in the CLIENTS section.

How can I pay the taxi with the subscription in other cities?
All our subscription services also allow the payment of taxis in all other cities that are affiliated with 02.6969. The list of cities that form the Network can be found in the SUBSCRIPTIONS section.

If I want to book a taxi for a specific time do I need to pay a supplement?
The booking service does not include additional supplements or added costs. In order to guarantee the taxi for the time and date requested the amount on the taximeter at the moment of pick up is the one expected for calls assigned for 10 minutes.